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Vacataire - PhD degree in Computer Engineering

School of Engineering of Beirut (ESIB)
Center for Computer Science, Modeling, and Information Technology (CIMTI)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext 3339

Graduating as an electrical engineer with a specialization in computer science from ESIB in 1993, I began my career as a system engineer at Integro, a French company specializing in software production, where I worked from 1993 to 1996. In 1997, I joined the Zahlé and Bekaa Campus (CZB) of USJ as a teaching assistant.

In 2008, I obtained a Master's degree in modeling and computer simulation. From 2011 to 2014, I conducted doctoral research in computer engineering at Supélec, resulting in my doctoral thesis and my promotion to assistant professor. In 2016, I contributed to the creation of the ESIB branch at CZB and served as its coordinator until July 2022. From April 2021 to April 2022, I held the position of interim director of CZB.

Since September 2022, I have been part of ESIB, where I have been appointed coordinator of the computer engineering and communications program. Additionally, since January 2023, I have held the position of deputy director of the ESIB preparatory classes.

• PhD degree in Computer Engineering
• Master's degree in Computer Simulation and Modeling
• Bachelor of Engineering in Electricity - Computer option

Artificial Intelligence

Object-Oriented Programming with C++
Programming 2 (Python)
Programming 3 (Advanced Python)
Unix System Administration

Engineering and Technology, Sciences

Artifical Intelligence

Machine Learning
Computer Vision
Self-organzing maps

Kaok, N., Amer, L., Yaacoub, T., Bakouny, Y., Hajjar, C., Khatounian, F., Amara, J., Slim, R., Mansour, A. & Yaghi, C. (2023). “Detecting Patient Readiness for Colonoscopy through Bowel Image Analysis: A Machine Learning Approach”. International Conference on Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society.

Hajjar, C., Ghattas, G. Kharrat Sarkis, M. Chamoun, Y. (2021). “Vine identification and characterization in goblet-trained vineyards using remotely sensed images”. Remote Sensing, Vol 13, Issue 15.

Saad Hajjar, C., Hajjar, C. Esta, M., Ghorra Chamoun Y. (2020). Machine learning methods for soil moisture prediction in vineyards using digital images”. E3S Web of Conferences, 167 02004.

C. Hajjar, H. Hamdan. (2013). Interval Data Clustering using Self-Organizing Maps based on Mahalanobis Distances, Neural Networks Vol 46, P.124-132

C. Hajjar, H. Hamdan. (2012). Clustering of Interval Data using Self-Organizing Maps - Application to meteorological data, Applied Computational Intelligence in Engineering and Information Technology - Series Topics in Intelligent Engineering and Informatics - Springer Verlag, p. 135-146.

- Assisté à la conférence : « Digital Youth Leaders International Conference », Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, novembre 2023. 

- Assisté au webinaire : « Moodle Turnitin New Functionalities », organisé par l'unité des nouvelles technologies dans l'éducation, Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, septembre 2023. 

- Participé à l'« Atelier d'éducation coopérative », Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM), Paris, mai 2023.

 - Participé et présenté une communication orale aux « 13èmes Journées de la Recherche », Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, mai 2022. 

- Dirigé un projet sur la « Caractérisation des terroirs viticoles à travers l'utilisation de nouvelles technologies et techniques de segmentation d'images », financé par le CNRS-L et l'Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, 2019-2022. 

-Inscrite à un MOOC : « Des fondamentaux aux concepts avancés du langage Python », Université Côte d'Azur, Plateforme FUN, 2018.

-Suivi plusieurs cours en ligne sur la plateforme