En | Ar

Cognitive & behavioral therapy for chronic pain management (039FC64)

Objectif :
- Definition of chronic pain, diagnostic tools &
- Understanding the Bio-psycho-social model
- Understanding the Emotions associated to chronic pain &
learning to detect them
- Understanding & identification of beliefs, thoughts &
urges linked to chronic pain
- Understanding & identification of Basic cognitive
distortions associated to chronic pain
- Understanding & applying CBT model for chronic pain
- Understanding CBT model for anxiety & depression
- Understanding CBT model for sleep disorders
- Understanding & applying the CBT model of motivation &
- Understanding & applying CBT mindfulness approach
- Applying Basic foundation of treatment & coping
- Understanding Value based CBT
- Applying the Goal setting strategies
- Understanding the Communication considerations
- Understanding & applying the different Models of
behavioral change

Contenu :
- Definition of chronic pain, diagnostic tools &
- Understanding the Bio-psycho-social model
- Understanding the Emotions associated to chronic pain &
learning to detect them
- Understanding & identification of beliefs, thoughts &
urges linked to chronic pain
- Understanding & identification of Basic cognitive
distortions associated to chronic pain
- Understanding & applying CBT model for chronic pain
- Understanding CBT model for anxiety & depression
- Understanding CBT model for sleep disorders
- Understanding & applying the CBT model of motivation &
- Understanding & applying CBT mindfulness approach
- Applying Basic foundation of treatment & coping
- Understanding Value based CBT
- Applying the Goal setting strategies
- Understanding the Communication considerations
- Understanding & applying the different Models of
behavioral change

Langue(s) d'enseignement :

Récurrence :

Forme :
À distance

Lieu :
Campus des sciences médicales

Nombre d'heures :
25.00 heures

Droit d'inscription :
0 payables à la banque Audi ou au secrétariat de l'institution

Cette formation est suceptible d'être adaptée ou conçue sur mesure selon les besoins de chaque entreprise.

Personne à contacter :

BOU ABDALLAH Chaker (Toufic)

Prérequis :
Cible :
Professionnel: Etudiants - Anciens

Planification :

Date de début:
Date de fin:
Planning hebdomadaire:
From October 18th 2022 till November 15th 2022, every Tuesday & Thursday from 2:30 till 5:30 PM (UTC time zone)
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