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Youssef BAKOUNY (EL)

Maître de conférence - PhD

School of Engineering of Beirut (ESIB)
Center for Computer Science, Modeling, and Information Technology (CIMTI)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext 3337

Youssef Bakouny is an Assistant Professor (“Maîtres de Conferences”) at École Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Beyrouth (ESIB) of Saint-Joseph University of Beirut (USJ), where he specializes in Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Software Engineering (SE). He graduated as the top student in 2012 with a Computer and Communications Engineering (CCE) degree from USJ, followed by PhD in Software Engineering between 2015 and 2019. Between 2012 and 2015, Youssef was employed by Murex as a software engineer working on a critical real-time distributed computing framework.

Before assuming his current full-time role, Youssef was a part-time lecturer at USJ from 2015 to 2021. For the benefit of his students, Youssef obtained, during this period, a university diploma in pedagogy in higher education in 2017. As an Assistant Professor since 2021 at ESIB, he teaches CCE and Master’s in AI students and coordinates the Master’s in AI and the AI University Diploma programs. He collaborates on various research projects with partners like Murex, Hotel-Dieu de France (HDF), American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC), IDEALworks (BMW Group), INRIA, IRD, CNRS, CESBIO, Grenoble Alpes University, Lille University, Mines Paris and Sorbonne University. He is currently supervising several doctoral theses on topics such as UI test automation using computer vision and image annotation refinement.

• Computer and Communications Engineering - Software Engineering Option
• Computer and Communications Engineering Doctorate
• Pedagogical Practices University Diploma

Teaching activities involve machine learning, artificial intelligence and programming paradigms (OOP and FP) for USJ students enrolled in the computer & communications engineering, master’s in data science and master’s in artificial intelligence curriculums.

Engineering and Technology, Sciences

Current research interests include machine learning, artificial intelligence and software engineering. Involved in the supervision of three doctoral thesis students working on:
  • The automation of UI Testing using Computer Vision. 
  • Autonomous driving and image annotations through automated bounding box refinement.
  • Tackling the University Course Timetabling Problem with Large Language Models.

-       Kaouk, N., Amer, L., Yaacoub, T., Bakouny, Y., Hajjar, C., Khatounian, F., Amara, J., Slim, R., Mansour, A. & Yaghi, C. (2023). “Detecting Patient Readiness for Colonoscopy through Bowel Image Analysis: A Machine Learning Approach”. International Conference on Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society; Genova, Italy, Sept. 2023.

-       Sokhn, M., Bakouny, Y. & Ibrahim, M. (2023). "Student Learning compass: an interactive platform for learners’ skills’ acquisition". International Conference on Intelligent Systems and New Applications; Liverpool, United Kingdom, April 2023.

-       Cornou, C., Drapeau, L., Bakouny, Y., Lahoud, S., Polikovitch, A., Abdallah, C., Abou Chakra, C., Afif, C., Al Bitar, A., Cartier, S., Fanice, P., Fenianos, J., Guillier, B., Khater, C., and Khoury, G. & the SMOAG Team (2022). “Seismic and air monitoring observatory for greater Beirut : a citizen observatory of the ‘urban health’ of Beirut”. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7164,

-       Youssef El Bakouny and Dani Mezher. 2018. Scallina: Translating Verified Programs from Coq to Scala. In: Ryu S. (eds) Programming Languages and Systems. APLAS 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11275. Springer, Cham. 7 pages.

-       Youssef El Bakouny and Dani Mezher. 2018. The Scallina Grammar. In: Massoni T., Mousavi M. (eds) Formal Methods: Foundations and Applications. SBMF 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11254. Springer, Cham. 18 pages.

• Major de la promotion 2012 au niveau du département électricité et mécanique de l'ESIB.
• Prix du meilleur poster dans le domaine de l'ingénierie lors des 9ème journées de la recherche à l'USJ.

Inscrit à plusieurs cours d'apprentissage automatique sur Pluralsight, Coursera et Lecture de "Stuart Russell et Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 4e édition, 2020" et "Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras & TensorFlow, troisième édition. Aurélie Géron. O’Reilly, 2022"