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Financial Aid Office

Year 2023-2024

Social grants: $13,056,954

Interest-free loans: $1,781,942

Total: $14,838,896

More than 51% of USJ students receive financial aid.

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Before being admitted or enrolled, some students plan ahead for their financial needs. They can apply for financial aid to learn about the available options and receive a response based on their family’s unique situation.

Granted on all Bachelor, Master and Doctorate programs, the financial aid, is need-based, and takes into account the family's social criteria and resources.

Download the Social Sheet:

New Students Enrolled Students
Deadlines Regular Admission Late Admission Continuing 1st time applicants for the 2nd semester 24-25 Master
June 10 September 10 July 31 September 10

Renewal of financial aid

Students who are already receiving financial aid (be it a grant from the Financial Aid Office or an USJ loan) will benefit from an automatic renewal of their financial aid for 24-25.

Additional donation-based grants are one-time grants and may not be renewed.

Follow all Financial Aid Office news on:

Useful links for social grants :

• The Alexis and Anne-Marie Habib Foundation:
• Life Lebanon:
• Ajialouna: