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Institute for Theater, Audiovisual and Cinematic Studies

Associate professor

(+961) 1 421 000 ext 5360

Ghada Sayegh is associate professor at the Institute for Theater, Audiovisual and Cinematic studies, Saint Joseph University of Beirut. A member of the editorial board of the online cinema review Hors-Champ based in Montreal, she has written numerous articles on cinema and contemporary art in Lebanon. 

Diplôme de docteur en Arts du spectacle: CinémaUniversité Paris-Nanterre (Paris 10)France2014
Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies, grade Master, Cinéma, audiovisuel, culture et société Université Paris-Nanterre (Paris 10)France2005
Diplôme en études audiovisuellesSaint Joseph University of BeirutLebanon1998


Cinéma et Histoire

Cinéma, archives et mémoire

Pratiques artistiques contemporaines au Liban


L’Art Vidéo 

Méthodologie et recherche pré-filmique 

Analyse filmique II 

Experience in University Teaching Outside USJCountryInstitutionStart DateEnd Date
Invited lecturer, Master Cinéma, Histoire des formes et théorie des images, UFR PHILIA, Université Paris-Nanterre (Paris 10)FranceUniversité Paris-Nanterre (Paris 10)23/01/202327/01/2023
Member of the jury, Chaghig Arzoumanian's thesis defense, «Des paysages urbains de Beyrouth aux espaces sans repères. Cartographie des représentations de l’espace et pratiques de mises en scène dans le cinéma libanais (1973-2020)», Université Paris 8 – Vincennes Saint-DenisFranceUniversité Paris 8 Vicennes-Saint-Denis25/10/202225/10/2022
This is not Beirut, Workshop in the frame of “This is Not Lebanon”, Festival for Visual Arts, Performance, Music and Talks, Mousonturm, FrankfurtGermanyMousonturm, Frankfurt23/08/202127/08/2021
Workshop on contemporary artistic practices in Lebanon, Erasmus + Programme, Freie Universität BerlinGermanyFreie Universitat Berlin09/07/201813/07/2018
Workshop on contemporary artistic practices in Lebanon, Aalto university School of Arts, Design and Architecture / Department of Film, Television and ScenographyFinlandAalto university School of Arts, Design and Architecture / Department of Film, Television and Scenography22/03/201823/03/2018
Workshop on contemporary artistic practices in Lebanon, Erasmus + Programme, Aristotle University of ThessalonikiGreeceAristotle University of Thessaloniki05/12/201609/12/2016

Professional ExperienceOrganizationStart dateEnd date
Member of the Jury, General Grants-Cinema, The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC), 2022The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC)03/10/202231/10/2022
Member of the reading committee, General Grants-Cinema, The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC), 2021The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC)01/09/202130/09/2021
Member of the reading committee, AFAC Documentary Program, The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC), 2019The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC)01/05/201931/05/2019
Member of the reading committee, General Grants-Cinema, The Arab Fund For Arts and Culture (AFAC), 2016The Arab Fund For Arts and Culture (AFAC)01/09/201630/09/2016

Art, Humanities, Religious Sciences

Cinema and contemporary art confronted with history

Artistic creation after the catastrophe

Archival images in cinema and contemporary art

Hors Champ, January/February 2022

Co-direction of the issue Circuler dans les archives du cinéma: rencontres, gestes et affectivités / Introduction text, Correspondence Series,

Nour Ouayda and Ghada Sayegh

Correspondence Series

Images et lettres de poussière… Un jour sans lendemain de Mohamed Soueid

Ghada Sayegh and Mohamed Soueid

On Representing the War as Rupture: Jocelyne Saab and New Lebanese Cinema (1975-1990)  / ReFocus : The Films of Jocelyne Saab, Juin 2021       

Films, Artworks and Cultural Events for the Arab World

Edinburgh University Press

Edited by Mathilde Rouxel, Stefanie Van de Peer

Between images : here and elsewhere / Saradar Collection, Juil. 2018        

Commissioned text

Missing images – the hiatus / Image(s) manquante(s), entre-deux / On Photography in

Lebanon: Essays and Stories (Bilingual, English, French), Sept. 2018

KAPH Edition, Art Books from the Middle East, Beirut

Edited by Clémence Cottard Hachem & Nour Salamé

Pratiques et savoirs argentiques : recherches expérientielles de l’image en

mouvement, École d’été 2024 organisée par Noah Teichner et Emmanuel Falguières, EUR

ArTeC, du 24 au 28 juin 2024          


Film Restoration Trainingorganisé par l'Association Jocelyne Saab, en partenariat avec

ALBA-UOB, IESAV-USJ et la Coopérative des métiers du cinéma, du 23 au 31 mai 2024.


Writing with Montage: Processing text, visual and sound fragments, led by Hussein Nakhal, in the framework of the Continuing Learning Program at IESAV, USJ, 04-2024.


Small-File Media Workshop, led by Laura Marks and James Chehab, in the framework of the Continuing Learning Program at IESAV, USJ, 01-2024.

A Photographic Journey Through Beirut: Exploring And Developing Your Visual Languageled by photographer Tanya Traboulsi, in the framework of the Continuing Learning Program at IESAV, USJ, 09-2023