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Chef de service - Orthodontie

Vacataire - D.D.S., M.D.S., Ph.D

Cranio-Facial Research Laboratory (CRFL) (LRCF)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext

- Professor of orthodontics and Craniofacial Research Laboratory Director, Saint Joseph University of Beirut.

- Adjunct Clinical Professor, Boston University, U.S.A.

- Member of the Tweed Foundation for Orthodontic Research and Education and the Angle East Society of Orthodontists.

- Executive Committee Member of the World Federation of Orthodontists (2010-2020).

- Honorary Member of the French Society of Dentofacial Orthopedics, Egyptian Society of Orthodontists, Syrian Orthodontic Society and the Romanian Society of Excellence in Orthodontics

- Reviewer in Progress in Orthodontics, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Angle Orthodontist and European Journal of Orthodontics.

• Doctorat en Sciences Dentaires
• Spécialiste en Orthopédie Dento-Faciale
• Doctor in Dental Surgery

Medecine and Health

- Craniofacial Imaging

- Finite element studies
- Biomaterials
- Sleep Apnea

1.    Bou Serhal J. L’orthopédie dento-faciale et l’orthodontie, deux conceptions du traitement dans une même discipline. A.C.E.S. avril 1987(9): 47-50.

2.    Bou Serhal J. L’utilité du diagnostic orthodontique en denture mixte dans la guidance de l’éruption dentaire en orthodontie préventive. A.C.E.S. septembre 1987(10): 41-48.

3.    Dahan J., Bou Serhal J. and Engelbert A. Cephalometric changes in Class II Division 1 cases after orthopedic treatment with the bioactivator. Am. J. Orthod Dentofac Orthop. 1989: 95: 127-37.

4.    Bou Serhal J. et Salameh M. Le plan incliné. Revue Dentaire Libanaise 1991: vol. 30: 11-15.

5.    Bou Serhal J. Habitudes néfastes et dysfonctions buccales. Revue Dentaire Libanaise 1992: vol. 31: 144-148.

6.    Bou Serhal J. et Chidiac A. L’articulé croisé chez l’enfant. Revue Dentaire Libanaise 1994: vol. 33: 141-149.

7.    Khoury E., Bassil-Nassif N. et Bou Serhal J. La disjonction maxillaire. Revue Dentaire Libanaise 1999: vol. 37: 87-101.

8.    Amm E., Bou Serhal J. Custom-made rotational ligature. Clin. Orthod. 2002: 36(12): 680.

9.    Mouhanna-Fattal C., Mansour M. et Bou Serhal J. Traitement des dysfonctions temporo-mandibulaires : approche interdisciplinaire. A.C.E.S. juin 2001, vol 22(2): 23-38.

10. Amm E., Bouserhal J. La forme d’arcade selon la philosophie de Tweed-Merrifield: individualisation et essai de standardisation. Orthod Fr 2003 ; 74(4): 481-98.

11. El Hayek E., Bou Assi S. et Bou Serhal J. Etude critique des plans d’orientation et de référence en céphalométrie. Orthod Fr 2005; 76 :217-27.

12. Bou Serhal J. Vertical control and directional forces.Tweed Profile, Volume IV: April 2005.

13. Bou Serhal J., Bassil-Nassif N. et Hutereau O. Traitements interceptifs des dysmorphies dans la dimension verticale. Orthod Fr 2006;77:215-45.

14. Bou Serhal J. Interview sur les asymétries. Kieferorthopädie Mars 2008 ; 1/08 :57-69.

15. Amm EW, Hardan LS, Bouserhal JP, Glasl P and Ludwig B. Shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets bonded with self etching primer to intact and pre-conditioned human enamel. Orofac Orthop 2008;69: 383-92.

16. Kassis A, Bouserhal J, Bassil-Nassif N. Malocclusion in Lebanese Orthodontic Patients: An Epidemiologic and Analytic Study. Int. Arab Journal of Dentistry 2010;1(1):34-43.

17. Bassil-Nasif N., Bouserhal J. et Garcia R. Volumes faciaux et typologie verticale : étude comparative tridimensionnelle. Orthod Fr 2010;81:127–137.

18. Bassil-Nassif N., Bouserhal J. et Garcia R. Dimorphisme sexuel et cavités faciales : étude volumétrique en imagerie 3D. Orthod Fr.2011;82:1–6.

19. Ghaleb N., Bouserhal J. and Bassil-Nassif N. Aesthetic evaluation of profile incisor inclination. Eur J Orthod. 2011 Jun;33(3):228-35.

20. Khoury ES, Abboud M, Bassil-Nassif N, Bouserhal J. Effect of a two-year fluoride decay protection protocol on titanium brackets. Int Orthod. 2011 Dec;9(4):432-51.

21. Khoury ES, Abboud M, Bassil-Nassif N, Bouserhal J. Effect of eliminating the residual fluoride gel on titanium bracket corrosion. Int Orthod. 2011 Sep;9(3):298-315.

22. Mati M, Amm E, Bouserhal J, Bassil-Nassif N. Effect of buccal and lingual enamel sandblasting on shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets bonded with a self-etching primer. Int Orthod. 2012, Dec;10(4):422-31.

23. Bouserhal J. Tribune: L’orthodontie et le besoin d’un développement perpétuel vers l’excellence. L’Orthodontiste 2014;3:6-7.

24. Bouserhal J, Bassil-Nassif N, Tauk A, Will L, Limme M. Three-dimensional changes of the naso-maxillary complex following rapid maxillary expansion. Angle Orthod. 2014;84:88-95.

25. Berberi A, Bouserhal L, Nader N, Bou Assaf R, Bassil Nassif N, Bouserhal J, Salameh Z. Evaluation of three-dimensional volumetric changes after sinus floor augmentation with mineralized cortical bone allograft. J. Maxillofac. and Oral Surg. 12/2014; ISSN 0972-8279. DOI: 10.1007/s12663-014-0736-3.

26. Geramy A, Bouserhal J, Martin D, Baghaeian P. Bone stress and strain modification in diastema closure : 3D analysis using finite element method. Int Orthod. 2015;13:274-86.

27. Tauk A, Bassil-Nassif N, Mouhanna-Fattal C, Bouserhal J. The importance of using the entire face to assess facial profile attractiveness. Int Orthod. 2016;14:65-79.

28. Moawad SG, Bouserhal J, Al-Munajed MK. Assessment of the efficiency of Erbium-YAG laser as an assistant method to rapid maxillary expansion: An in vivo study. Int Orthod. 2016;14:462-75.

29. Omer YT, Bouserhal J, Hawas N, Abdel Moneim El Sayed A. Association between normative and self-perceived orthodontic treatment need in a Lebanese population. Int Orthod. 2016;14:386-98.

30. El Hayeck E, Bassil-Nassif N, Bouserhal J. Soft tissue norms: Conventional and based on true vertical in a Lebanese population. Int Orthod. 2016;14:311-27.

31. Geramy A, Martin D, Bouserhal J, Emadian Razavi ES, Hassanpour M. Asymmetric Head Gear: A Comparison between Unilateral Outer Bow Expansion and Unilateral Outer Bow Shortening - an Energy Approach using the Finite Element Method. Chin J Dent Res. 2016;19:95-101.

32. El Hayeck E, Bassil-Nassif N, Mouhanna-Fattal C, Bouserhal J.  Skeletal and dento-alveolar norms: Conventional and based on true vertical in a Lebanese population. Int Orthod. 2017;10:1-19.

33. El Hajj N, Bassil-Nassif N, Tauk A, Mouhanna-Fattal C, Bouserhal JP. Maxillary and mandibular contribution to the establishment of class II malocclusion in an adult Lebanese population. Int Orthod. 2017;15:677-97.

34. Kanj AH, Bouserhal J, Osman E, El Sayed AAM. The inflection point: a torque reference for lingual bracket positioning on the palatal surface curvature of the maxillary central incisor. Prog Orthod. 2018;19:39-49.

35. Dastoori M, Bouserhal JP, Halazonetis DJ, Athanasiou AE. Anterior teeth root inclination prediction derived from digital models: A comparative study of plaster study casts and CBCT images. J Clin Exp Dent. 2018;10:e1069-74.

36. Hadrous R, Bouserhal J, Osman E. Evaluation of shear bond strength of orthodontic molar tubes bonded using hydrophilic primers: An in vitro study. Int Orthod. 2019 Sep;17(3):461-468. 

37. Mouhanna-Fattal C, Papadopoulos M, Bouserhal J, Tauk A, Bassil-Nassif N, Athanasiou A. Evaluation of upper airway volume and craniofacial volumetric structures in obstructive sleep apnoea adults: A descriptive CBCT study. Int Orthod. 2019 Dec;17(4):678-686. 

38. Ludwig B, Wertheimer M, Dalci O, Nalbantgil D, Bouserhal J, Faber J. An interview with Björn Ludwig. Clin Orthod. 2020;19(2):10-20.

39. Bassil-Nassif N, Bouserhal J, Mouhanna-Fattal C, Tauk A, Limme M. Three-dimensional evaluation of the nasomaxillary complex before and following rapid maxillary expansion compared to normal subjects. APOS Trends Orthod 2020;10(3):164-70.

40. Husseini B, Khoury G, Riachi F, Ghosn N, Khoury N, Jerbaka F, Bouserhal J, Younes R. Three-dimensional radiographic assessment of the mandibular interforaminal donor site in different vertical facial growth types. Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2022; 123(1):9-15.

41. Bouserhal J, Bouserhal L, Jabbour E, Hansa I, Vaid N. Occlusal Plane Control in a Hyperdivergent Adult Class II Division 2 Patient: A Judicious Use of Fixed Functional Appliance and Mini-implants. J. Clin. Orthod. 2022; 56(7):419-427.

42. Husseini B., Baumgaertel S., Younes R., Wak T., Bassil-Nassif N., Bouserhal J. Assessment of infrazygomatic crest length and height in subjects with different vertical facial growth types for orthodontic miniscrew insertion: A cone beam computed tomography study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2022; 162(6):917-926.

43. Aoun Y., Husseini B., Ghosn N., Younes R., Bouserhal J. Assessment of lower third molar space: A comparative radiographic study. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2022; 51(5):20220049.

44. Farhat Z, Osman E, Kassem H, Bouserhal J. [Correlation of Vertical Dentoalveolar Heights with Palatal Plane Inclination in Adults with Different Vertical Facial Patterns]. Orthod Fr. 2022; 93(4):321-331.

45. El Hayeck E, Bassil-Nassif N, Khairallah A, El Wak T, Bouserhal J. Effect of head rotation on two-dimensional cephalometric measurements using cone beam-computed tomography. Clin Oral Investig. 2023 Jun;27(6):2747-2761.

46. Tahchy D, Husseini B, Ghosn N, Younes R, Khoury N, Bouserhal J, Riachi F. Three-dimensional radiographic assessment of the mandibular retromolar donor site in different vertical facial growth types. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2023 Dec;124(6):101457.

47. Taee A, Alsulaiman A, Hersberger-Zurfluh M, Bouserhal J, Bassil-Nassif N, Sathekge R, Arai K, Ikoma M, Al-Turki G, Idrees A, Tagrikulu B, Will L, Motro M. Multinational study on profile preference of laypersons. J World Fed Orthod. 2023 Oct;12(5):220-228. 

• Membre honoraire de la Société Francaise d'Orthopédie Dento-faciale
• Membre d'honneur de l'association Roumaine d'Excellence en Orthodontie