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Photo Enseignant


Directeur - ETIB
Doyen - FdLT

Enseignant Cadré - Professeur - PHD

School of Translators and Interpreters of Beirut (ETIB)
Center for Research in Translation Studies, Arabic Terminology and Languages (CERTTAL)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext 5627

 Professor Gina Abou Fadel Saad is the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation (FdLT) since 2016 and the Director of the School of Translators and Interpreters of Beirut (ETIB)since 2012 of Saint Joseph University of Beirut. Her professional activity involves teaching, supervising Master’s thesis and Ph.D. dissertations, training teachers and research.

She graduated from ETIB in 1984 and was the first person to obtain her Ph.D. in translation studies in 2003 from the same school. Her thesis was entitled The form exegesis: a gateway to the meaning.  Published in ETIB’s Collection Sources-Cibles, it is considered the first academic research in Arabic in the translation studies field.

Gina Abou Fadel Saad has published more than thirty articles and papers about language acquisition, translation and translation studies in addition to her contribution to a book about the terminology of translation. She is member of several scientific international journals in the fields of Languages and Translation Studies (Atelier de traduction, Lebende Sprachen, Al-Kimiya, “SKASE Journal of Translation and Interpretation”).

 She is also a member of the International Federation of Translators, of the SGeVT (Structuro-globale et verbo-tonale) Association for Languages Teaching and of the Universities Contact Group of the IAMLAD.

She holds the Lebanese 2020 Medal and the Knighthood Medal of the Academic Palm Order of the French Republic.


• PhD in Modern Languages - Concentration in Translation
• Master in Translation
• Bachelor in Modern Languages - Concentration in Translation

Literary Translation

Translation Revision and Post-Editing
Translation Studies Issues
Pedagogy of Translation
Arabic and French languages (all levels)

Art, Humanities, Religious Sciences

Language acquisition

Translation and translation studies

- (2022). Les compétences des enseignants de traduction au XXième siècle. Etude empirique qualitative sur le cas de l'Ecole de traducteurs et d'interprètes de Beyrouth (ETIB). (En collaboration avec Najm, P.) Lebende Sprachen, 67 (2). Berlin, Allemagne : De Gruyter.


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- (2020). La “compétence de la survie du traducteur” en zone de conflit : l’anxiété et la prise de décision. (en collaboration avec Hleihel, R.) Lebende Sprachen, 65 (1). Berlin, Allemagne : De Gruyter.

- (2016). La traduction du moi culturel.  Atelier de traduction, 26, 47-56. Suceava, Roumanie : Editura Universităţii, Ştefan cel Mare” din Suceava. Consultable sur :

- (2011).  Quand sens et forme nous mènent en bateau, Les liaisons dangereuses : Langues, traduction, interprétation. Beyrouth, Liban: Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth.

- (2005). De l’expérience pratique à la réflexion théorique : un chemin des plus sûrs, La traduction : de la théorie à la pratique et retour, Jean PEETERS (Dir.). Rennes, France : Presses Universitaires de Rennes.