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Mr. Jean-François VERNE

(+961) 1 421 000 ext 6645

Jean-François Verne holds the Habilitation to direct research (HDR) diploma, obtained in June 2010 at the University of Paris Dauphine, and a Doctorate in economics (PhD), from the University of Law, of Economics and Sciences from Aix-Marseille obtained in December 2001. After having occupied, within the USJ and the FSE, the positions of Director of the research center (CEDREC), Director of the Doctoral School of Economic Sciences (EDSE) and research delegate, Jean-François Verne has been Dean of the FSE since September 2023.

Accreditation to supervise academic researchUniversité Paris Dauphine (Paris IX)France2010
Doctorate in EconomicsAix-Marseille UniversitéFrance2001

Experience in University Teaching Outside USJCountryInstitutionStart DateEnd Date
Associate ProfessorFranceHoly Spirit University of Kaslik16/02/200401/02/2012
Temporarily attached to education and research FranceAix-Marseille Université03/09/200205/01/2004
Lecturer in EconomicsFranceAix-Marseille Université03/09/199921/06/2002
Support teaching in political economy and descriptive statistics for first year Economic and Social Administration students.FranceAix-Marseille Université01/10/199530/06/1998

Professional ExperienceOrganizationStart dateEnd date
Dean of the Faculty of EconomicsSaint-Joseph University of Beirut01/09/2023
Research delegateSaint-Joseph University of Beirut01/09/202231/08/2023
Director of the Doctoral School of EconomicsSaint-Joseph University of Beirut01/09/201631/08/2022
Director of the Center for Documentation and Economic Research, Faculty of EconomicsSaint-Joseph University of Beirut01/09/201331/08/2016
Scientific coordinator of the Lebanese Review of Management and Economics, currently Management and Organization ReviewHoly Spirit University of Kaslik01/09/200901/02/2012
Coordinator of economic topicsHoly Spirit University of Kaslik01/09/200431/08/2008
Head of documentation center specialized in economicsAix-Marseille University03/09/199830/06/2002
Reception and financial operations managerCrédit Agricole02/03/199830/04/1998
Administrative agentFrance Telecom03/09/199131/08/1993
Reception of telephone disturbancesFrance Telecom01/07/198731/07/1987

Economics, Management, Banking, Insurance

His field of research is multiple. It concerns not only the causal relationships between main macroeconomic aggregates but also the study of non-linear models relating to time series. Thus, the quantitative analysis of economic data regarding, among other things, the Lebanese economy, constitutes a privileged area in its research.
He is also interested in macroeconomic forecasting methods using classic and non-parametric econometric models.

1.      Papers published in international peer-reviewed journals


Verne Jean-François (2024).   Estimating the trajectories of the Okun's coefficient and NAIRU with the rolling regression method: Evidence from Lebanon”, Economics Bulletin, Vol.44. Issue 1, pp. 140-153.  


Verne Jean-François (2022).Forecast the inflation rate in Lebanon: The use of the artificial neural networks method”, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 42. Issue 4, pp. 1798-1810.


Verne Jean-François (2021). Relevance of Chaos and Strange Attractors in the Samuelson-Hicks Oscillator”, Economic Thought, 10.1, pp. 32-45.


Verne Jean-François (2021). “Smooth Threshold Autoregressive models and Markov process: An application to the Lebanese GDP growth rate”, International Econometric Review, Vol. 13. Issue 3., pp. 71-88.


Doueiry Verne Carole and Verne Jean-François (2020). Causality between Corruption, GDP Growth and Political Stability: A Panel Data Analysis, The Empirical Economics Letters, Vol 19, No 2, February, pp. 127-136.


Verne Jean-François and Doueiry Verne Carole (2019) “Chaos in Lebanese GDP: The Lorenz attractor approach”, Economics Bulletin, Vol 19, Issue 3, pp. 1958-1967.


Verne Jean-François and Doueiry Verne Carole (2019) “Samuelson Oscillator Model: The inclusion of Chaos Theory”, The Empirical Economics Letters, Vol 18, No 4, April, pp. 423-433.


Verne Jean-François (2018).War, structural breaks and asymmetries in the cyclical evolution of the Lebanese GDP”. Empirical Economic Review, Vol. 8, No 4, pp. 297-309.


Verne Jean-François and Doueiry Verne Carole (2018). “Empirical analysis of conditional causality between economic growth, inflation rate and oil prices: the case of countries in the Middle East and North Africa, Revue Internationale des Economistes de Langue Française, RIELF, Vol. 3, No 2, pp. 175-195.


Verne Jean-François and Doueiry Verne Carole, (2018). “The effectiveness of governance of humanitarian aid in terms of poverty reduction”, Revue de Management et de Stratégie,


Verne Jean-François and Ghossoub Sayegh Rosette (2017). “Empirical analysis of the relationship between the volatility of the output gap and economic growth: the case of Lebanon” Revue Internationale des Economistes de Langue Française, RIELF, Vol 2, No. 1, pp. 172-189.


Verne Jean-François (2016). “Political instabilities, war and economic growth: the case of Lebanon and Middle East countries”, Revue d’Economie Politique, Vol 126, No 6, November-December pp. 1077-1103.



Verne Jean-François (2011).   « An econometric analysis of the output gap fluctuations: The case of Lebanon », Economics Bulletin, Vol. 31, no.2, May, pp. 1530-1547.


Verne Jean-François (2011). “The main characteristics of the economic cycle and trend growth in Lebanon”, L’actualité économique, Revue d’analyse économique, Vol. 87, No 2, June, pp. 117-136.


Verne Jean-François (2011). “The magnitude of the economic cycle and the output gap in Lebanon”, Région et Développement, No 34, pp. 181-201.


Verne Jean-François and Macdissi Charbel, (2011). “An attempt to estimate potential production in Lebanon”, Brussels Economic Review,  Vol. 52 No 2, pp. 143-159.


Verne Jean-François (2008). “Production subsidies and strategic behavior in a situation of duopolistic competition”, La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, No 230, mars-avril, pp. 45-52.


Verne Jean-François (2007). “The causality between economic growth, unemployment and taxes: a revisited analysis of OKUN’s law”, Brussels Economic Review, Vol. 50, No 3, automne, pp. 361-383.


Verne Jean-François (2006). “Fair sharing of added value: a factor of good governance for the company”, La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, No 219, mai-juin 2006, pp. 143-151.



2.      Paper published in national peer-reviewed journals


Verne Jean-François (2009). “The financing of social protection: A comparison between France-Lebanon ”, Revue Libanaise de Gestion et d’Economie, No 2, 2009, ISSN 1999-7620.


Verne Jean-François (2009). “An attempt to model the impact of union governance modes on salary taxation”, Revue Libanaise de Gestion et d’Economie, No1, 2009, ISSN 1999-7620.


Verne Jean-François (2009). “The impact of public aid on the strategic behavior of a duopoly: The example of Airbus and Boeing”, Arab Economic and Business Journal, publication USEK, ISSN 1992-21132, no 4, 2009, pp. 22-29.








3.      Participation in collective Works


Verne Jean-François (2016).“The relationship between growth, social protection expenditure and population: a panel data analysis for OECD countries”, in Alain REDSLOB, Croissance, population et protection sociale : faits et théories face aux enjeux, Panthéon-Assas Editions, 2016, pp. 75-83.


Verne Jean-François (2002).“Culture of salary negotiations, taxation on labor and unemployment”, in Roland GRANIER et Martine ROBERT Cultures et structures économiques, Economica Editions, 2002, pp. 131-150.


Verne Jean-François (1999).“The impact of taxation on labor demand in OECD countries.” : A cultural explanation », in Roland GRANIER, Culture et comportements économiques, Editions Presse Universitaire d’Aix-Marseille, 2000, pp. 271-298.



4.      Communications in conferences


Verne Jean-François (2022).Exploring Lebanon’s Potential for Exporting as a Solution to Create Self-Employment and to Decrease Poverty”, (in collaboration with S. Haykal and M. Makki), Multidisciplinary conference organized by the “Haute Ecole du Travail et de l’Intervention Sociale, H.E.T.I.S: “Multiple poverty: Contemporary challenges, observed developments and emerging policies”, Nice, France, October.


Verne Jean-François (2022). “The cyclical evolution of Lebanese GDP: An analysis in terms of Markov processes”, 62nd Congress of the International Association of French-speaking Economists, AIELF, “Currencies, Finances, Developments”, Beirut, Lebanon, May 23, 24 and 25.


Verne Jean-François and Doueiry Verne Carole, (2016). “The relationships between economic growth, the service economy and the rate of commercial openness: The MENA region example”, International conference of the Master in Marketing of Services entitled “Internationalization of services, a Euro-Mediterranean vision” in collaboration with the IAE of Tours, May 13, 14 and 15.

Publication of the conference in a special issue of Proche-Orient Etudes management, 2019.


Verne Jean-François (2015). “The relationship between growth, social protection expenditure and population: a panel data analysis for OECD countries”, 59th Congress of the International Association of French-speaking Economists, AIELF, Paris, France, May 18, 19 and 20.


Verne Jean-François (2009). “Higher education graduates and the labor market: A flaw in the French university governance system”, conference “University governance”, organized by the Faculty of Management and Commercial Sciences of the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Jounieh, Lebanon, February 16 and 17.


Verne Jean-François (2005). “Transparency, external audit and governance”, proceedings of the “Financial Policies and Audit of Euro-Mediterranean Companies” congress, organized by the Faculty of Management and Commercial Sciences of the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Jounieh, Lebanon, November 24 and 25, 2005.



  1. Working papers and Notes


Verne Jean-François (2010). “The development of the Beirut Stock Exchange: An action framework for the development of the economic cycle in Lebanon”, (co-written with Charbel Salloum), Working paper No 2, USEK Publishing, ISBN 978-9953-491-16-5, 2010, 50 pages.


Verne Jean-François (2010). “Modeling the social and solidarity economy in Lebanon”, (co-written with Nayla Menhem) Working paper No 1, USEK Publishing, with the assistance of the Lebanese CNRS, ISBN 978-9953-491-16-5, 2009, 113 pages.


Verne Jean-François (2004). “The repartition of productivity gains between the company and its partners: an approach in terms of salary negotiation”, Note n° 280, C.E.R.E.F.I., ISSN 0294-0214, Faculty of Applied Economics of Aix-Marseille, July 2003, 15 pages.


Verne Jean-François (2003). “Tax systems and the culture of job acceptance in developed countries”, Note, n° 271, C.E.R.E.F.I., ISSN 0294-0214, Faculty of Applied Economics of Aix-Marseille, June 2003, 13 pages.


Verne Jean-François (2002). “The benefits of globalization in terms of economic growth and standards of living”, Note, n° 263, C.E.R.E.F.I., ISSN 0294-0214, Faculty of Applied Economics of Aix-Marseille, December 2002, 27 pages.


Verne Jean-François (2000). “The impact of taxation on employment relations: a review of different theoretical points of view”, Working Paper, n°2, Groupe de Recherche sur l’Internationalisation des Firmes et de l’Emploi, Faculty of Applied Economics of Aix-Marseille, March 2000, 34 pages.


Verne Jean-François (1999). “The taxation impact on labor supply behavior”, Working Paper, n°1, Groupe de Recherche sur l’Internationalisation des Firmes et de l’Emploi, Faculty of Applied Economics of Aix-Marseille, March 1999, 15 pages.