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Financial Aid Office

Year 2023-2024

Social grants: $13,056,954

Interest-free loans: $1,781,942

Total: $14,838,896

More than 51% of USJ students receive financial aid.

Couverture OURSE

Quality Management

Our team will always strive to provide students with the best possible quality of service.
“In the race for quality, there is no finish line” – David T. Kearns

The Financial Aid Office is committed to providing USJ students with high quality solutions and services that exceed their expectations.
The Financial Aid Office is driven by the values of confidentiality, fairness, and social connectedness.
Current economic issues are constantly changing and have a direct impact on its actions. The shift to the new ISO 9001:2015 standard reflects this new context and enables us to mobilize around the following strategic directions:

Speed up the modernization of its management tools and methods by simplifying and computerizing all its activities.

Respect the applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

Identify and take into consideration the risks and opportunities that the Department may experience in its activities.

Raise awareness among all relevant parties to make financial aid more adapted to the needs of students.

Assume its responsibility towards the environment by respecting the values of sustainable development.

The Financial Aid Office is committed to implementing the culture of quality in all its activities by ensuring the continuous search for rational efficiency in its entire process. This implies transparent communication and a dynamic and respectful approach to student requirements.
Our team members work in a calm environment that enhances their operational capabilities and boosts their social well-being. They all contribute to our success.