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Phares Zoghbi Cultural Foundation Library


The Phares ZOGHBI Cultural Foundation Library includes a collection gathered by Mr. ZOGHBI throughout his life as a lawyer and humanist.

Founded back in the fifties, this collection has been growing and expanding in the areas of social and human sciences, mainly in fields for which this great humanist has fought for, such as the dialogue of civilizations and the meeting of cultures.

In the eighties, this bibliophile assigned a specialized team the task of organizing, classifying and documenting his collection according to the standards of French libraries, in order to better satisfy the needs of researchers and those of a collection occupying all the floors of his house in Kornet Chehwan.

In the nineties, this invaluable heritage was enriched with collections from other donators. Their books became part of a library that turned into a reference for humanities and social sciences.


Established in


Social Sciences Campus

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